" Glenmorangie A Tale of Forest 70cl – The Whisky Circle

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Glenmorangie A Tale of Forest 70cl


冬日白雪紛飛,安坐家中的 Glenmorangie 威士忌創作總監Bill Lumsden 博士,開始幻想著一款能夠展現出在漫天白雪的冬日,身穿冬季毛衣,享受舒適暖意的威士忌。Glenmorangie A Tale of Winter 洋溢著冬日的香氣和味道,將 Bill Lumsden 博士感受到的溫暖舒適活現眼前。這款 13 年單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌在來自西西里島的馬薩拉葡萄(Marsala)酒桶中熟成,散發著果香和蜂蜜、可可粉和香料的風味。

Snowed in at home, our Director of Whisky Creation, Dr. Bill, began dreaming of this whisky. His goal was to capture the snug and magical feeling of sitting in front of the fireplace as snow blankets the world outside. In pursuit of rich, radiant taste and wintery aroma, he finished the 13-year-old single malt in Marsala wine casks from Sicily, created the new limited edition - Glenmorangie A Tale of Winter.

Glenmorangie A Tale of Forest 70cl
