" Glenmorangie A Tale of Toyko 70cl – The Whisky Circle

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Glenmorangie A Tale of Toyko 70cl


【年度限量版A Tale of Tokyo威士忌 體驗東京感官之旅】

Inspired to capture his experience of Tokyo’s many sensory dimensions and to experiment with rare Japanese Mizunara oak casks for the first time, Dr Bill united Glenmorangie part-aged in Mizunara oak with whisky that had spent time in both sherry and bourbon casks, for a unique limited-edition that’s perfectly balanced with Glenmorangie’s house-style.

The whisky fuses notes of pepper with bitter cherries and mouth-watering orange zest with incense and sweet oak – a unique and complex flavour profile resulting from the recipe of Mizunara oak, Bourbon and Sherry casks.

ABV: 43%, non chill-filtered 

Glenmorangie A Tale of Toyko 70cl
