" Oban Distillers Edition (70cl) – The Whisky Circle

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business.


由即日起,凡於 The Whisky Circle 購物滿$500, 即附送 The Whisky Circle Tulip Glass 聞香杯乙隻。數量有限,送完即止。
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Oban Distillers Edition (70cl)


口感順滑的Oban,在Montilla Fino雪莉酒潤桶桶陳,在水果與海鹽風味中增添了一絲奶油的香甜與絲滑。

The smooth Oban, delicately paired with Montilla Fino seasoned casks for a sweet creamy smooth enhancement to the fruity and salty Oban style.

abv 43%

Oban Distillers Edition (70cl)
