" Glenmorangie Cadboll Estate 15 Years Old 2023 Limited Edition 70cl – The Whisky Circle

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Glenmorangie Cadboll Estate 15 Years Old 2023 Limited Edition 70cl


第三批發布的 Glenmorangie The Cadboll Estate 在波本桶中陳釀,一部分在 Amontillado 雪利酒桶(Bill Lumsden 博士最喜歡的雪利酒)中完成。 這款 15 年威士忌融合了榛子、太妃糖和丁香的香氣,為該系列標誌性的奶油味帶來堅果和辛辣風味。

The third batch release of Glenmorangie The Cadboll Estate has been aged in bourbon casks, with a portion finished in Amontillado sherry casks (Dr Bill Lumsden’s favourite type of sherry).  This 15-year-old whisky entwines notes of hazelnut, toffee and clove, bringing a nutty, spicy twist to the series’ signature creaminess.

Glenmorangie Cadboll Estate 15 Years Old 2023 Limited Edition 70cl
