" Glenmorangie The Original 70cl (New Pack) – The Whisky Circle

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business.


由即日起,凡於 The Whisky Circle 購物滿$500, 即附送 The Whisky Circle Tulip Glass 聞香杯乙隻。數量有限,送完即止。
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Glenmorangie The Original 70cl (New Pack)


A ten-year-old single malt, produced by marrying the delicate spirit that emerges from Scotland's tallest stills, with first and second fill American white oak casks.

結合產自蘇格蘭最高蒸餾器細緻的酒氣,以及裝填一次或二次的美國白橡木桶以 10 年的時間進行釀製熟成,使甜度與豐富度達成完美平衡,並帶來滑嫩、圓潤如奶油般的口感。

Glenmorangie The Original 70cl (New Pack)
